[공간 데이터] 미국 인구 조사 Tiger Shape file 구성 분석
개인적으로 사용할 것 같은 필요한 데이터만 다운로드하여 조사했으므로 표에서 비어 있는 부분도 있다.
Category | Layer Type | Sub Layer Type | File Name | 단위 | Type | 예제 파일 (06: 캘리포니아, 113: Yolo County) 또는 설명 |
Geographic Areas | American Indian Area Geography |
| nation |
Blocks |
| state |
| 도시의 블럭tl_2019_06_tabblock10.zip (710,145 features in 2019) | |
Block Groups |
| state |
| 같은 숫자로 시작하는 Block들로 구성. 인구 600~3,000명 사이 | |
Census Tracts |
| state |
| Block Groups들로 구성. 인구 4,000명 기준. 1,200~8,000명 사이 | |
Congressional Districts |
| nation |
| |
Consolidated Cities |
| state |
| |
Core Based Statistical Areas |
| nation |
| |
Counties (and equivalent) |
| county | nation | Polygon | tl_2014_us_county.zip | |
County Subdivisions |
| state |
| |
Economic Census - 2012 |
| |
Estate |
| state |
| Virgin Islands only | |
Places |
| place | state | Polygon | tl_2019_06_place.zip (1,521 features in 2019) | |
Public Use Microdata Areas |
| nation |
| |
School Districts |
| state |
| |
States (and equivalent) |
| state | nation | Polygon | tl_2014_us_state.zip | |
State Legislative Districts |
| state |
| ||
Subbarrio (SubMinor Civil Division) |
| state |
| ||
Urban Areas |
| nation |
| |
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas |
| zcta5 | nation | Polygon | tl_2014_us_zcta510.zip | |
Features | All Lines |
| edges | county | Polyline | tl_2014_06113_edges.zip |
Coastline |
| coastline | nation | Polyline | tl_2014_us_coastline.zip | |
Landmarks | Point Landmark | pointlm | state | Point | tl_2019_06_pointlm.zip (91,598 features in 2019) | |
Area Landmark | arealm | state | Polygon | tl_2019_06_arealm.zip (8,067 features in 2019) | ||
Roads | Primary Roads | primaryroads | nation | Polyline | tl_2019_us_primaryroads.zip (17,495 features in 2019) | |
Primary and Secondary Roads | prisecroads | state | Polyline | tl_2019_06_prisecroads.zip (7,403 features in 2019) | ||
All Roads | roads | county | Polyline | tl_2019_06113_roads.zip (4,800 features in 2019) | ||
Rails |
| rails | nation | Polyline | tl_2014_us_rails.zip | |
Military Installations |
| mil | nation | Polygon | tl_2014_us_mil.zip | |
Water | Linear Hydrography | linearwater | county | Polyline | tl_2014_06113_linearwater.zip | |
Area Hydrography | areawater | county | Polygon | tl_2014_06113_areawater.zip | ||
| Address Range-Feature |
| county |
| tl_2019_06113_addr.zip (14,970 aspatial features in 2019) |
| Topological Faces (Polygons with All Geocodes) |
| county |
Feature Relationships | Address Range-Feature Name |
| county |
| Address Ranges |
| county |
| Feature Names |
| county |
| Topological Faces – Area Landmark |
| state |
| Topological Faces – Area Hydrography |
| county |
| Topological Faces – Military Installations |
| state |
Tiger Data의 원래 주소는 다음과 같다. (링크되어 있지 않으니 복사해서 주소창에 붙여 넣기 하세요.)
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